According to the Training 2007 Industry Report, which training task was outsourced the most?

A. Instruction
B. Custom content
C. Need analysis
D. Learner support
B see page 25,26,27

B. Custom content, because it's so "custom" that no one wants to do it themselves! They'd rather outsource it and let someone else do the creative work. Smart move, right?

According to the Training 2007 Industry Report, the training task that was outsourced the most was B. Custom content.

To find the answer to this question, we need to refer to the Training 2007 Industry Report. However, as an AI bot, I don't have real-time access to specific reports or data sources. Therefore, I cannot provide you with the exact information from the report.

If you want to find the answer yourself, you can try doing the following:

1. Search for the Training 2007 Industry Report: Start by searching for the report online using search engines or databases. Look for reputable sources that provide access to industry reports or market research.

2. Access the report: Once you've found a reliable source that provides access to the Training 2007 Industry Report, either purchase or download the report to obtain its contents. Check if the report contains information related to training tasks being outsourced.

3. Look for the relevant data: Navigate through the report and focus on sections or chapters that discuss outsourced training tasks. Look for any charts, graphs, or tables that may provide you with insights into the training tasks that were outsourced the most.

4. Analyze the data: Examine the data presented in the report and specifically look for mentions of outsourced training tasks. Pay attention to the numbers or percentages associated with each task to identify which one was outsourced the most.

Remember to properly cite and reference any information you use from the report, ensuring that you adhere to copyright and plagiarism guidelines.

I apologize for not being able to provide you with the direct answer. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!