I am a four digi even number.The tens digit grater than ones and hundreds digts.The digit have a sum of 15.

Many possibilities from your limited info:


To find the four-digit even number that satisfies the given conditions, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the possible range of values for the tens digit.
- The tens digit is greater than the ones digit and the hundreds digit.
- Since the tens digit must be larger than both the ones and hundreds digits, it must be at least 6.
- Since it is a four-digit number, the largest possible value for the tens digit is 9.

Step 2: Find the possible sum combinations for the remaining three digits.
- The sum of the three digits (ones, hundreds, and tens) is 15.
- We need to find all possible combinations of the three digits that equal 15.
- Start with the largest possible value for the tens digit (9) and work backward.

- Scenario 1: Tens digit = 9
- The sum of the remaining three digits = 15 - 9 = 6.
- Possible combinations of three digits that sum to 6 are: (1,2,3) or (2,2,2).
- Possible numbers: 926x or 922x (x represents any digit)

- Scenario 2: Tens digit = 8
- The sum of the remaining three digits = 15 - 8 = 7.
- Possible combinations of three digits that sum to 7 are: (1,2,4), (1,3,3), or (2,2,3).
- Possible numbers: 824x, 813x or 823x.

- Scenario 3: Tens digit = 7
- The sum of the remaining three digits = 15 - 7 = 8.
- Possible combinations of three digits that sum to 8 are: (1,3,4), (2,2,4), or (2,3,3).
- Possible numbers: 724x, 724x or 723x.

- Scenario 4: Tens digit = 6
- The sum of the remaining three digits = 15 - 6 = 9.
- Possible combinations of three digits that sum 9 are: (1,4,4), (2,3,4), or (3,3,3).
- Possible numbers: 624x, 634x or 633x.

So, the possible four-digit even numbers that satisfy the given conditions are: 926x, 922x, 824x, 813x, 823x, 724x, 724x, 723x, 624x, 634x, or 633x.