A train moving 66m long overtakes another train of 88m long,moving in the same direction in 0.168 min if the second train is moving at 30 km at what speed is the frist train moving

To find the speed of the first train, we first need to calculate the relative speed between the two trains. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Convert the time from minutes to seconds.
0.168 minutes = 0.168 x 60 = 10.08 seconds

Step 2: Convert the speed of the second train from km/hr to m/s.
30 km/hr = 30 x (1000/3600) m/s = 8.33 m/s

Step 3: Calculate the relative speed between the two trains.
Relative Speed = Speed of the second train - Speed of the first train
Relative Speed = 8.33 m/s - Speed of the first train

Step 4: Use the relative speed, length, and time to set up an equation.
Relative Speed = Distance / Time
8.33 m/s - Speed of the first train = (66 m + 88 m) / 10.08 s

Step 5: Solve for the speed of the first train.
8.33 m/s - Speed of the first train = 154 m / 10.08 s
8.33 m/s - Speed of the first train = 15.278 m/s

Step 6: Subtract 8.33 m/s from both sides of the equation to solve for the speed of the first train.
Speed of the first train = 15.278 m/s - 8.33 m/s
Speed of the first train = 6.948 m/s

Therefore, the speed of the first train is approximately 6.948 m/s.

If you mean "overtaking" to include the full length of each train, then shifting to relative motion.

distance=relativevelocity*time changing distance to km, time to hr
(.066+.088)=(V-30km/hr )*(.168/60 hr)
.154/.0028= V-30km/hr
solve for V in km/hr. Fast train.