What is the implicit message of this text?

In spite of what life has thrown at me, I have continued on my journey with determination. Not only have I lost 69 pounds in the past 3 years, I've also kicked cancer's butt along the way

The implicit message is that this person is strong, healthy and slender.

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An implicit message is a message that uses visuals rather than literally saying or explicitly saying what they mean. An implicit message is one in which communication is not plainly expressed. It is implied.Feb 27, 2013
Implicit Message by Kasey Buchanan on Prezi

The implicit message of this text is one of resilience and strength. It conveys that the author has faced significant challenges in life, such as battling cancer, but has demonstrated an unwavering determination to overcome them. The statement "kicked cancer's butt" implies a sense of triumph and empowerment over the adversity faced. Additionally, the mention of losing 69 pounds over the past 3 years suggests a commitment to personal growth and self-improvement. The implicit message encourages perseverance in the face of obstacles and serves as an inspiring example of overcoming adversity.