What happens to total voltage if multiple cells are connected in series? Connected in parallel?

2. What happens to the voltage, current and brightness of the bulbs if they are connected in series? connected in parralel

total voltage in series increases, in parallel it does notl

bulbs in series:;;;;add more, brightness decreases
bulbs in parallel..add more, no change.

1. When multiple cells are connected in series, the total voltage across the circuit increases. To understand why, you need to know that voltage is the potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit. When cells are connected in series, the positive terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of another, creating a continuous path for the flow of electrons. The total voltage of the circuit is then the sum of the voltages of the individual cells.

To calculate the total voltage of cells connected in series, you simply add up the voltages of each individual cell. For example, if you connect two cells in series, each with a voltage of 1.5 volts, the total voltage across the circuit would be 3 volts (1.5 + 1.5 = 3).

2. When bulbs are connected in series, the voltage across each bulb is the same, but the current flowing through each bulb is reduced. The brightness of each bulb decreases as well.

In a series circuit, the total voltage is divided among the bulbs. So, if you have two bulbs connected in series to a 6-volt battery, each bulb would receive 3 volts (assuming the resistance of each bulb is the same). However, since the current has to flow through both bulbs, the overall current in the circuit is reduced compared to a single bulb circuit. As a result, each bulb will be less bright than if it were connected individually to the battery.

On the other hand, when bulbs are connected in parallel, the voltage across each bulb remains the same, but the total current flowing through the circuit is divided among the bulbs. Each bulb will be equally bright and receive the same voltage as in a single bulb circuit.

In summary, connecting bulbs in series decreases their brightness and divides the voltage evenly among them, while connecting bulbs in parallel keeps their brightness the same and divides the current evenly among them.