Name of CH3CH(Br)CH=CHCH(CH3)2.

Not being a chemist... I did a google search and there were 71,000 hits : )

To determine the name of the compound CH3CH(Br)CH=CHCH(CH3)2, we can follow the guidelines of IUPAC nomenclature for organic compounds.

Step 1: Identify the longest continuous carbon chain in the molecule.
In this case, the main chain consists of six carbon atoms, and it is a hexane derivative.

Step 2: Number the carbon chain.
Start numbering from one end of the chain so that the substituents have the lowest possible numbers. In this case, the chain can be numbered as follows:

CH3 - CH(Br) - CH = CH - CH(CH3)2
1 2 3 4

Step 3: Identify and name substituents.
The substituents or side groups attached to the main chain are:
- A bromine atom (Br) attached to carbon number 2 can be named as bromo-
- A methyl group (CH3) attached to carbon number 3 can be named as 3-methyl
- A dimethyl group (CH3)2 attached to carbon number 4 can be named as 4,4-dimethyl

Step 4: Combine the names.
Combine the substituents' names along with the name of the main chain, following the alphabetical order of the substituents:


So, the name of the compound CH3CH(Br)CH=CHCH(CH3)2 is 4,4-dimethyl-3-bromo-1-hexene.