How did the Renaissance movement affect scientific innovations?

(Select all that apply

the Renaissance and humanism put human reasoning and gathered evidence at the center of scientific inquiry

humanist philosophers during the renaissance accepted the Catholic church's explanations of the natural world

humanist philosophers during the renaissance convicted monarchs to outlaw scientific experimentation as blasphemous

the Renaissance and humanism inspired the creation of new inventions and scientific theories
Is it b and c


No, it is not options "b" and "c." The correct answer is:

- The Renaissance and humanism put human reasoning and gathered evidence at the center of scientific inquiry.
- The Renaissance and humanism inspired the creation of new inventions and scientific theories.

So, the correct options are "a" and "d".

No, it is not option b and c. The correct answer is option a and d.

During the Renaissance movement, there was a shift in thinking that put human reasoning and gathered evidence at the center of scientific inquiry. This emphasis on human reasoning and evidence-based knowledge greatly influenced scientific innovations. Humanist philosophers and scholars during the Renaissance promoted the idea that humans have the capacity to understand and explain the natural world through reason and observation. They encouraged the study of ancient texts and the exploration of new ideas, which led to a renewed interest in scientific research and discovery.

Additionally, the Renaissance and humanism inspired the creation of new inventions and scientific theories. The period witnessed significant advancements in various fields such as anatomy, physics, astronomy, and engineering. Scholars and scientists like Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolaus Copernicus, and Galileo Galilei made breakthrough discoveries and developed new theories that challenged the existing beliefs and paved the way for scientific progress.

Therefore, the correct answers are option a and d.

b and c are the wrong answers. Did you read the question?