How many points for ruby union convestion

Do you mean rugby union conversion?

To determine the points for a specific ruby union conversion, we need more information. Ruby Union refers to the process of merging arrays while eliminating duplicate values. The 'points' you mentioned could be related to Ruby methods used for this purpose, such as the `Array#union` method.

Assuming you have two arrays, `array1` and `array2`, and you want to find the union of these arrays, you can use the `Array#union` method. Here's an example:

array1 = [1, 2, 3]
array2 = [3, 4, 5]
union_array = array1.union(array2)

In this case, the `union_array` will contain the merged arrays with duplicate values removed: `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`. However, it is important to note that Ruby's native `Array` class does not have a built-in `union` method. If you are using a framework or gem that provides this method, the implementation may differ, including the number of points associated with it.

If you are referring to a specific Ruby library or gem that provides a `union` method and assigns points to its usage, please provide more context or information about that particular library, and I'd be happy to assist you further.