On Friday night the local diner serves three main entrees, each with a choice of vegetable. The entrees are beef, chicken, and fish. The vegetables are spinach, broccoli, and carrots. How many possible dinners ( entree and vegetable combinations does the diner serve. List them.

beef - spinach, broccoli. carrots -- there's 3 choices

Do the same with the other entrees.

3 * 3 = 9

To calculate the number of possible dinner combinations, we can use the multiplication rule of counting.

The diner serves three main entrees and three vegetable choices, so we need to multiply these two numbers together.

Number of entrees = 3 (beef, chicken, fish)
Number of vegetable choices = 3 (spinach, broccoli, carrots)

So the total number of dinner combinations is:
3 entrees x 3 vegetables = 9 possible dinner combinations.

Here is the list of dinner combinations:
1. Beef with spinach
2. Beef with broccoli
3. Beef with carrots
4. Chicken with spinach
5. Chicken with broccoli
6. Chicken with carrots
7. Fish with spinach
8. Fish with broccoli
9. Fish with carrots

To calculate the total number of possible dinner combinations, you need to multiply the number of entrees by the number of vegetable choices.

In this case, there are 3 entrees (beef, chicken, and fish) and 3 vegetable choices (spinach, broccoli, and carrots).

To find the total number of combinations, you can multiply 3 (the number of entrees) by 3 (the number of vegetable choices).

3 entrees × 3 vegetable choices = 9 possible dinner combinations

To list them, you can pair each entree with each vegetable choice:

1. Beef with spinach
2. Beef with broccoli
3. Beef with carrots
4. Chicken with spinach
5. Chicken with broccoli
6. Chicken with carrots
7. Fish with spinach
8. Fish with broccoli
9. Fish with carrots

These are the nine possible dinner combinations served at the local diner on Friday night.