Why did Germany and Japan place the blame on other countries for their economic downturns during the Great Depression, and how did this inevitably lead to the Second World War?

I'm sorry, but I read everything on those sites but didn't find anything helpful.

Germany and Japan placed the blame on other countries for their economic downturns because of the treaty of versailles, the treaty that punished germany for world war 1.

Germany and Japan's decision to place blame on other countries for their economic downturns during the Great Depression can be attributed to a combination of several factors. Firstly, both nations experienced severe economic hardships during the 1930s. Germany, still recovering from the aftermath of World War I and burdened by the harsh economic terms of the Treaty of Versailles, faced hyperinflation and unemployment. Japan, heavily reliant on exports, suffered from reduced global demand and a decline in trade.

In order to divert attention away from their domestic problems and consolidate power, political leaders in Germany and Japan sought to create a sense of national unity and rally support by blaming other countries for their economic woes. They constructed narratives that portrayed their respective nations as victims of unfair treatment by foreign powers and identified scapegoats for their troubles, such as Jews in Germany or Western powers in Japan's case.

This blaming of external forces created a sense of nationalistic fervor and provided an opportunity for leaders in both Germany and Japan to pursue aggressive expansionist policies. In Germany, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party used the economic crisis as a pretext to gain support for their ideology of Aryan supremacy, territorial expansion, and the pursuit of lebensraum (living space). Japan, under the control of militaristic factions, saw imperialism as a way to secure access to resources and create an empire in East Asia.

As a result, these actions eventually led to the outbreak of the Second World War. Germany's annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia, along with its invasion of Poland, triggered the war in Europe. Meanwhile, Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931, followed by its full-scale invasion of China in 1937, leading to direct confrontation with the Allied powers.

In summary, by blaming other countries for their economic downturns, Germany and Japan were able to gain domestic support and pursue aggressive expansionist policies. This, in turn, inevitably led to the outbreak of the Second World War as the international community sought to oppose their actions and defend their interests.

Thank you!

3 euS .sM

And Germany --


The Treaty of Versailles, the treaty that punished Germany for World War I, had little to do with Japan.

Read this about Japan and the Great Depression.
