1. I run 50 meters in 9 seconds.

2. I run for 50 meters in 9 ceconds.
3. I run 50 meters within 9 seconds.
4. I run 50 meters during 9 seconds.
5. I run 50 meters during the period of 9 seconds.
Can we use both #1 and #2?
What about #3? Is #3 similar to #1 in meaning?
Can we use #4 and #5 as the same meaning?
Do you frequently omit 'for' in Sentence 2?

#1 is best. Don't use the others.

Let's analyze each sentence to understand their meaning and usage:

1. "I run 50 meters in 9 seconds."
This sentence means that it takes you 9 seconds to complete a 50-meter run. "In" is used to indicate the duration or time taken to complete the action.

2. "I run for 50 meters in 9 seconds."
This sentence also means that it takes you 9 seconds to complete a 50-meter run. Here, "for" is used to specify the distance covered.

Both Sentence 1 and Sentence 2 convey the same meaning, and you can use either of them.

3. "I run 50 meters within 9 seconds."
This sentence implies that you cover a distance of 50 meters within the time limit of 9 seconds, emphasizing that the action is completed within the given timeframe. "Within" indicates that you are not exceeding 9 seconds to complete the run.

While Sentence 3 carries a similar meaning to Sentence 1, it has a slight difference in nuance, focusing on the completion of the run within the specified time.

4. "I run 50 meters during 9 seconds."
This sentence implies that you cover a distance of 50 meters within a specific 9-second period, without indicating the completion or duration of the run itself. It suggests that you covered the distance at some point within the given 9 seconds.

5. "I run 50 meters during the period of 9 seconds."
Similar to Sentence 4, this sentence also indicates that you covered a 50-meter distance at some point within the duration of 9 seconds. The phrase "during the period of" adds clarity by specifying that it happened within this particular timeframe.

Sentences 4 and 5 have similar meanings, emphasizing the occurrence of the run within the given time frame but without providing information about the completion duration.

Regarding Sentence 2, the word "for" can be included or omitted without significantly changing the meaning. Both "I run for 50 meters in 9 seconds" and "I run 50 meters in 9 seconds" are grammatically correct and can be used interchangeably. The choice to include or omit "for" is a matter of personal preference or style.