Your membership at a movie rental club costs

$12.7 per year. The charge for members to
rent a movie is $2.29. At the end of the year
you figured that the average cost per movie
(including the membership fee) was $2.46.
How many movies did you rent?

Hi Liz! We have the same name LOL.

12.7+2.46n= 15.16
.17n= 12.7
n= ? movies rented that year
n is the movies rented. :)

To find the number of movies you rented, we can use the average cost per movie and the total cost per year.

Let's assume you rented 'x' movies in a year.

The total cost per year can be calculated as the sum of the membership fee and the cost to rent movies:
Total cost per year = Membership fee + (Cost to rent a movie * Number of movies rented)

From the given information, we have:
Total cost per year = $12.7
Membership fee = $12.7
Cost to rent a movie = $2.29

We are also given that the average cost per movie (including the membership fee) was $2.46. This means the total cost per year should be equal to the average cost per movie multiplied by the number of movies rented:
$12.7 = $2.46 * x

To find 'x,' we can rearrange the equation:
x = $12.7 / $2.46
x ≈ 5.163

Therefore, you rented approximately 5 movies in a year.