What is 24.305 rounded to the nearest whole number

If the number after the decimal point is 5 or more, it rounds to 25.

If the number after the decimal point is less than 5, it rounds to 24.

24.305 rounded is 24

It is not 5🙄

also how do you go from 24 to 5 ?? without dividing or subtracting or even adding a negative

after the decmal is a 3 witch is not higher that 5 so it stays the same

god, yall are no help :( im just trying to do my weird science homework

that is true

i need help

Oh and also, this is just using common sense.

24.305 rounded to the nearest whole is 24.
Example of something like that:
Round to the nearest whole, 36.79305935
Ignore all the other numbers, use the number "7" closest to the decimal point. If it is higher than a 5, then the number on the other side will go up, if it is less than a 5, then it will stay the same. SIMPLE MATH GUYS.

Then what is it?