What natural resources have remained significant to Washington economic activity from the time of European colonization to today? 3 choice

A. airplanes
B. Factories
C. Farmland
D. Forests
E. Genetics
F. Railroads
G. Research facilities
H. Waterways

My answers are factories, railroads, forests

Are your answers all natural resources?

nat·u·ral re·sources
materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain.

C,D, H

The correct answers are C. Farmland, D. Forests, and H. Waterways.

To determine the natural resources that have remained significant to Washington's economic activity from the time of European colonization to today, we need to consider the historical context and the primary industries that have contributed to the state's economy.

1. Farmland (Choice C): Agriculture has been a crucial part of Washington's economy since European colonization. The state has fertile soil and a diverse climate that supports the cultivation of various crops, making agriculture a significant contributor to the economy.

2. Forests (Choice D): Washington is known for its vast forest resources, which have played a central role in the state's economy for centuries. The timber industry has been a major economic driver, supplying timber for construction, furniture production, and paper mills.

3. Waterways (Choice H): Washington is home to numerous rivers, lakes, and water bodies, making waterways essential for both transportation and natural resource extraction. The state's waterways have facilitated trade, shipping, and hydroelectric power generation, contributing to economic development.

Factories (Choice B), railroads (Choice F), and research facilities (Choice G) are not natural resources but rather the infrastructure and industries that have developed based on the available resources.

While airplanes (Choice A) and genetics (Choice E) are significant in modern Washington's economy, they are not necessarily tied to the state's historical economic activity since European colonization.