What design aspects can you change in a table with the shading options? (Select all that apply.)

color in the table

border color

fill for cells in the table

text color


I agree.

Dude got this question too who knows

The design aspects that you can change in a table with shading options are:

A. Color in the table
C. Fill for cells in the table

To determine which design aspects can be changed in a table with shading options, we can look at each option and see if it applies to table design.

A) Color in the table: This option refers to the overall color scheme of the table. It can include the background color of the table as well as the color of text and other elements within the table. Therefore, this option can be changed to modify the design of a table.

B) Border color: This option refers to the color of the borders surrounding the cells of the table. By changing the border color, you can alter the visual appearance of the table's edges. Therefore, this option can also be changed to modify the design of a table.

C) Fill for cells in the table: This option allows you to apply a fill color to individual cells or groups of cells in the table. By selecting a fill color, you can differentiate specific cells or highlight certain data within the table. Therefore, this option can be changed to modify the design of a table.

D) Text color: Although not explicitly mentioned in the given options, text color is a design aspect that can be changed in a table with shading options. By selecting a different text color, you can enhance the overall visual appeal of the table and improve readability.

In conclusion, options A, B, C, and D can be changed to modify the design aspects of a table with shading options.