what happens in the artificial transmutation of an element?. Give an example. Please help asap and thanks!

In artificial transmutation, the nucleus of an element is modified or transformed by bombarding it with high speed particles or by inducing a nuclear reaction. This process can change the number of protons, neutrons, or both in the nucleus and consequently, the atomic number and/or atomic mass of the element.

One example of artificial transmutation is the production of gold by bombarding a target material with a stream of high-energy particles, often accelerated protons. In this case, gold can be created by bombarding a target substance, such as mercury (Hg), with accelerated protons. The reaction produces a new isotope of gold, Au-198, and releases various other particles.

To get a detailed understanding of the artificial transmutation process and its specific example, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching the basics of nuclear reactions and transmutation, studying concepts such as isotopes, nuclear stability, and particle interactions.

2. Explore the specific experimental methods used in transmutation, which may involve accelerators, colliders, or other particle-emitting sources.

3. Look for reliable scientific sources, such as textbooks, academic journals, or reputable websites dedicated to nuclear physics or chemistry. These sources can provide in-depth explanations of artificial transmutation and detailed examples of specific reactions.

4. Once you have found suitable sources, carefully read and analyze the information, paying attention to the experimental setup, the elements involved, and the resultant products. This will help you understand the specific process and its outcome.

Remember, artificial transmutation experiments involve complex physics and chemistry concepts, so taking time to study and absorb the information will enhance your understanding.

usually neutron(s) are captured by the nucleus

some (or one) of the neutrons then undergoes beta decay, becoming a proton and changing the atomic number (becoming a different element)

the transuranic element Einsteinium (Es) was discovered in the fallout from the 1st thermonuclear (hydrogen) bomb test
due to the high neutron flux, some uranium atoms had captured multiple neutrons and had undergone multiple beta decays to be transmuted