Which of the following statements is a consequence of the equation E = mc2?

A) Energy is released when matter is destroyed.
B) The law of conservation of energy must be modified to state that mass and energy are conserved in any process.
C) Mass and energy are equivalent.
D) All the above***

Because they are all true to some extent but B is the main

To determine the consequence of the equation E = mc^2, let's break down each statement:

A) Energy is released when matter is destroyed: This statement is true. According to the equation E = mc^2, energy (E) and mass (m) are directly proportional to each other, with the speed of light (c) acting as the proportionality constant. If matter is destroyed, it means the mass is converted into energy, resulting in the release of energy.

B) The law of conservation of energy must be modified to state that mass and energy are conserved in any process: This statement is also true. The equation E = mc^2 establishes that mass and energy are interchangeable. Therefore, in any process or interaction involving mass, both mass and energy must be taken into account to ensure conservation.

C) Mass and energy are equivalent: This statement is true as well. The equation E = mc^2 implies that energy and mass are different manifestations of the same underlying concept. It suggests that mass can be considered a form of stored energy and vice versa, emphasizing the equivalence between the two.

Based on the explanations provided above, the correct answer is D) All of the above.