I only need the speed and direction of the wind.

An airplane has an airspeed of 300 mph, and it is traveling to the southwest. After two hours it is 282.9 miles from its starting point, at a compass heading of 228.6° from the starting point.

What is your question?

Determine the speed and direction of the wind.

What is the Speed and direction of the wind?

I will assume that by compass heading you use North = 0 and rotate clockwise

so we have to given vectors:
"airplane has an airspeed of 300 mph, and it is traveling to the southwest"
-----> 600(cos315, sin315)
the resultant vector:

ummmhhh, your question does not seem to make sense.
The plane has gone for 2 hours at 300 mph (about 600 miles), and after that time it is only 228.6 miles from the starting point ? That is some serious headwind.
Check your data.

To determine the speed and direction of the wind, we need to understand the concept of groundspeed and its relationship with airspeed and the heading of the aircraft.

The groundspeed is the actual speed of the aircraft relative to the ground, incorporating the influence of wind. On the other hand, the airspeed is the speed of the aircraft relative to the air, without considering the wind.

To calculate the groundspeed, we can use the given information about the airspeed, distance traveled, and heading of the aircraft:

1. Convert the compass heading of 228.6° to a bearing relative to north. Subtract the heading from 360° to get the bearing. In this case, it would be 360° - 228.6° = 131.4°.

2. Using trigonometry, we can split the groundspeed into two components: one in the north-south direction (vertical component) and the other in the east-west direction (horizontal component). To find these components, we can use the following formulas:

Vertical component = Airspeed * sin(bearing)
Horizontal component = Airspeed * cos(bearing)

In this case, the vertical component would be 300 mph * sin(131.4°) and the horizontal component would be 300 mph * cos(131.4°).

3. Use the time and distance traveled to calculate the wind's effect on the aircraft. Since the distance traveled is the difference between the current position and the starting point, we can subtract the vertical and horizontal wind components from the respective distances to get the effect of wind.

North-South wind component = Total distance traveled - Vertical component * time
East-West wind component = Total distance traveled - Horizontal component * time

Here, the Total distance traveled is 282.9 miles, and time is 2 hours.

Once you have calculated the North-South and East-West wind components, you can determine the speed and direction of the wind using the following formulas:

Wind speed = √(North-South wind component^2 + East-West wind component^2)
Wind direction = arctan(East-West wind component / North-South wind component)

Calculating these values will give you the speed and direction of the wind.