What parts of Dalton’s atomic theory no longer agree with the current picture of the current picture of the atom? Provide an answer using at least 3 to 4 complete content related sentences in your own words.

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Dalton's atomic theory, proposed in the early 19th century, had some aspects that no longer align with the current understanding of the atom. Firstly, Dalton believed that atoms were indivisible and indestructible, which implied that they could not be broken down into smaller particles. However, we now know that atoms can indeed be split into subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons. Secondly, Dalton's theory suggested that all atoms of the same element are identical in their properties, including mass. In contrast, we now understand that isotopes exist, which are atoms of the same element with different masses due to varying numbers of neutrons. Lastly, Dalton proposed that compounds are formed by the combination of atoms in simple whole-number ratios. But modern chemistry has revealed that compounds can have complex molecular structures, often involving fractional ratios of different atoms. In conclusion, while Dalton's atomic theory laid the foundation for understanding the atom, these aspects no longer align with the current picture of atomic structure.