60% of the product of one-twelfth y and two-thirds z

How do you simplify this?


To simplify the expression "60% of the product of one-twelfth y and two-thirds z," you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentages to fractions
The given percentage, 60%, can be written as a fraction by dividing it by 100. So, 60% is equal to 60/100, which can be simplified to 3/5.

Step 2: Convert the fractions into decimal form
Next, convert the fractions into decimal form for easier calculations. One-twelfth (1/12) equals approximately 0.0833 (rounded to four decimal places). Two-thirds (2/3) is equivalent to approximately 0.6667.

Step 3: Find the product
Multiply the decimal forms of one-twelfth y (0.0833y) and two-thirds z (0.6667z) to find their product. The product is approximately (0.0833y)(0.6667z) = 0.0555yz.

Step 4: Calculate 60% of the product
Now, multiply the product, 0.0555yz, by 3/5 to find 60% of the product. Multiply (0.0555yz) × (3/5) = 0.0333yz.

Therefore, 60% of the product of one-twelfth y and two-thirds z is 0.0333yz.

u bad

the product of one-twelfth y and two-thirds z ---> (1/12)y * (2/3)z

= (1/18)yz
now we want 6/10 of that
= (6/10)(1/18)yz
= (1/30)yz or yz/30