If two coins are tossed, what is the probability that the first coin will show heads and the second coin will show tails?

A. 1/2
B. 1/4
C. 1/8
D. 1/16
My answer is 1/4 although I think it might be 1/2?

It is 1/4

The order is specified, so it must be HT

Sample space:
HT <----- ours

i think you are correct ... try drawing (listing) the sample space ... only four possibilities

Alright thanks

To find the probability that the first coin will show heads and the second coin will show tails, we need to consider the possible outcomes of tossing two coins.

When two coins are tossed, there are four possible outcomes:

1. Heads-Heads
2. Heads-Tails
3. Tails-Heads
4. Tails-Tails

Out of these four possibilities, only one of them satisfies the condition of the first coin showing heads and the second coin showing tails, which is Heads-Tails. Therefore, there is only one favorable outcome out of four possible outcomes.

To calculate the probability, we divide the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes:

Probability = (Number of favorable outcomes) / (Number of possible outcomes)

In this case, probability = 1 favorable outcome / 4 possible outcomes = 1/4.

So, the correct answer is B. 1/4. Therefore, your answer is correct.