On his last four tests, Danib scored 55%, 78%, 84% and 93%. What score should he get on his next text so that his average on all five tests are 80%?

5 tests at 80 pts each makes 400 points

So, add up the points so far, and see what more is needed.

To find the score Danib should get on his next test, we need to calculate the average of all five tests.

Let's begin by finding the sum of his scores on the first four tests:
55% + 78% + 84% + 93% = 310%

To find the score Danib should get on his next test to achieve an average of 80%, we need to find the total score he needs to have on all five tests:
80% average for five tests = 80% * 5 = 400%

Next, let's subtract the sum of his scores on the first four tests from the total score he needs to achieve:
400% - 310% = 90%

Therefore, Danib should aim to get a score of 90% on his next test to reach an average of 80% on all five tests.

90 %

where did you get 400 from?