If you want to add a picture to your document, you can __________. (Select all that apply.)

insert a picture file into your document

use the Save As function to save a picture to your document

type a description of the picture you want to add, select that text, and then right-click

use the Copy and Paste functions to place a picture in your document


Yes, A and D.

thank u

You're welcome!

To add a picture to your document, you can follow these steps:

A. Insert a picture file into your document:
- Click on the location in your document where you want to add the picture.
- Go to the "Insert" tab on the toolbar.
- Look for the "Pictures" option and click on it.
- Navigate to the location of the picture file on your computer and select the desired image.
- Click "Insert" to add the picture to your document.

D. Use the copy and paste functions to place a picture in your document:
- Open the picture file on your computer.
- Right-click on the image and select "Copy" or use the shortcut Ctrl+C.
- Now go to your document and click on the location where you want to add the picture.
- Right-click and choose "Paste" or use the shortcut Ctrl+V to place the image in your document.

Therefore, the correct answers to your question are A and D.