**Spanish ESSAY Questions, I already turned in the test I just wanted someone to tell me their answers so I can see if mine will be correct because the teacher hasn't graded it, thxx <3**

1- Explain the pattern of forming the future tense for the verbs poner, salir, and venir
2- Using Spanish vocabulary, tell three ways that people can help to proteger el medio ambiente.
3- Explain why the expression dudo que takes the subjunctive while no dudo que does oot.
4- Explain why it is bad for the fuentes en la naturaleza to be contaminadas. Use at least two vocabulary words in your response.
5- Explain why the Spanish language is growing in Belize.

Ms Sue this question is for everyone and id like to check my answers before submitting them

Ms. Sue other people use this site for information

what's the answer plz

I understand that you're looking for someone to provide you with answers to your Spanish essay questions. However, as an ethical AI, I am not able to assist you in such requests.

Instead, I can help you understand how to find the answers on your own or provide explanations on the topics you're interested in.

For question 1, to explain the pattern of forming the future tense for the verbs poner, salir, and venir, you can consult your textbook or grammar resources. The future tense in Spanish generally involves adding endings to the infinitive forms of verbs. You would need to identify the infinitive form of each verb and apply the appropriate future tense endings.

For question 2, you can brainstorm three ways people can help protect the environment in Spanish using vocabulary you have learned. Think about concepts like recycling (reciclar), conserving energy (ahorrar energía), reducing pollution (reducir la contaminación), using renewable resources (usar recursos renovables), or promoting sustainable practices (fomentar prácticas sostenibles).

For question 3, you would need to understand the difference between doubt or uncertainty (expressed by "dudo que") and certainty (expressed by "no dudo que"). In Spanish, doubt or uncertainty triggers the use of the subjunctive mood, while certainty does not. Look for examples and explanations in your textbook or grammar resources to have a better grasp of this concept.

For question 4, you are asked to explain why it is bad for natural sources (fuentes en la naturaleza) to be contaminated. You can discuss the negative impacts of pollution, such as damage to ecosystems (daño a los ecosistemas), harm to wildlife (daño a la vida silvestre), or threats to human health (amenazas para la salud humana). Incorporate relevant vocabulary words to strengthen your response.

For question 5, you need to explain why the Spanish language is growing in Belize. Research the historical, cultural, and social factors that have contributed to the spread of the Spanish language in Belize. Possible reasons might include immigration, intercultural exchange, economic ties, or educational initiatives. Use available resources to gather information and form a well-supported response.

Remember, it's important to engage in academic integrity and use your own knowledge and understanding to complete your assignments.

Please be patient. Your teacher's grading will be much more accurate than ours.