What event in 1959 changed the relationship between cuba and the us.

A. Cubas sugar production dropped
B. Cuba became popular as a tour estate resort
C. Fulgencio n batista came to power
D. Fidel Castro came to power
I say D

I agree.

Yes, D,

You are correct! The correct answer is D. Fidel Castro came to power. This event in 1959 significantly changed the relationship between Cuba and the US.

To arrive at this answer, you can start by studying the historical context of Cuba in 1959. Knowing that Fidel Castro was a prominent figure in Cuba's history, you can identify that his rise to power played a significant role in changing the relationship between Cuba and the US.

To further solidify your answer, you should explore the other options as well:

A. Cuba's sugar production dropping: While the decline in sugar production could have indirectly affected the relationship between Cuba and the US, it is not the event that directly changed their relationship.

B. Cuba becoming popular as a tourist resort: This is not the event that led to a significant change in the relationship between Cuba and the US. Although tourism may have influenced the economic ties between the two countries, it is not the key event mentioned in the question.

C. Fulgencio Batista coming to power: While Fulgencio Batista was a significant figure in Cuba's history, his rise to power occurred much earlier, in 1952. Therefore, it cannot be the event that changed the relationship between Cuba and the US in 1959.

By analyzing these options, you can conclude that the correct answer is D. Fidel Castro coming to power in 1959. This event marked a turning point in Cuba's political landscape and had a profound impact on its relationship with the United States.