1. Modern psychoanalysis is defined as ____________________. (1 point)

A treatment that focuses on observable behavior
A treatment method for mild to moderate disorders that uses a process of patient discovery
Demonstrating how unconscious factors affect a person’s current relationships and patterns of behavior****
A treatment method that always focuses on Freud’s original notion of the id, ego, and superego
2. Which of the following is true about psychoanalysis? (1 point)
It can be a lengthy process.***
It is always a lengthy process.
It is usually a short process.
It is always a short process.
3. In psychoanalysis, therapists may _________________. (1 point)
See clients no more than once a month
See clients up to once a week
See clients no more than three times per week
See clients up to four or five times per week***
Note: your teacher will review your response to ensure you receive proper credit for your answer.

4. Part of the therapist’s role in psychoanalysis is to _______________. (1 point)

5. Therapists use a series of ______________ to try and lead clients to self-awareness. (1 point)
true and false statements
call and response
questions and statements***
facts and opinions
6. Psychoanalysis began with _______________. (1 point)
Carl Jung
Sigmund Freud*****
John Watson
Carl Rogers
7. The idea of “lying on the couch” has come to be _____________ in modern society. (1 point)
8. In therapy, psychoanalysts try to trace unconscious factors that are the source of personal difficulty back to their historical source. Using the knowledge about psychoanalytic theory you’ve gained in previous lessons, which of the following is an example of typical historical source that a psychoanalyst and his or her client might uncover during therapy? (1 point)
An oral fixation
Failure to overcome “trust vs. mistrust”***
A lack of contact comfort in infancy
Maternal deprivation
9. Psychoanalysts believe that people often ___________ the numerous factors that affect their emotions and behavior. (1 point)
Obsess compulsively over
Are unaware of
Are aware of
10. Using the knowledge you’ve gained in previous lessons, which of the following is a technique that a psychoanalyst is most likely employ in treatment? (1 point)
Medication to stabilize dopamine imbalances
Dream analysis
Twin studies***
Cognitive restructuring

1. C

2. A
3. D
4. Listen
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. C

Just finished the quiz.

Personification Personified is correct

Don’t listen to Reed they know nothing

is 7 Ridiculed ?

1. The correct answer is: Demonstrating how unconscious factors affect a person’s current relationships and patterns of behavior.

To answer this question, you need to understand the definition of modern psychoanalysis. Modern psychoanalysis is a treatment method that focuses on uncovering and understanding unconscious factors that influence a person's current behaviors and relationships. It is different from traditional psychoanalysis, which largely focused on Freud's ideas of the id, ego, and superego. Therefore, the correct answer is demonstrating how unconscious factors affect a person’s current relationships and patterns of behavior.

2. The correct answer is: It can be a lengthy process.

To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the nature of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is typically a lengthy process that can last for several months or even years. It involves regular sessions with a therapist where the client explores their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in order to gain insight and self-awareness. Therefore, the correct answer is that psychoanalysis can be a lengthy process.

3. The correct answer is: See clients up to four or five times per week.

To answer this question, you need to know the frequency of therapy sessions in psychoanalysis. In psychoanalysis, therapists may see clients up to four or five times per week. This intensive frequency allows for a deep exploration of the client's thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Therefore, the correct answer is that therapists in psychoanalysis may see clients up to four or five times per week.

4. The therapist's role in psychoanalysis is to guide the client through the exploration of their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The therapist acts as a facilitator and provides a supportive and non-judgmental environment for the client to freely express themselves. They also help the client gain insight and self-awareness by interpreting and analyzing the client's unconscious processes. Additionally, the therapist may provide guidance and interventions to help the client overcome challenges and make positive changes in their life. Overall, the therapist plays an active role in facilitating the therapeutic process.

5. Therapists use a series of questions and statements to try and lead clients to self-awareness. They may ask open-ended questions to encourage the client to explore their thoughts and feelings in-depth. The therapist may also make statements to reflect back what the client has said or to provide interpretations or insights. These questions and statements serve to guide the client's exploration and help them gain insight and self-awareness. By engaging in this process of self-reflection and exploration, clients can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their motivations.

6. Psychoanalysis began with Sigmund Freud. Freud is considered the father of psychoanalysis and is known for his development of many of the foundational concepts and techniques used in psychoanalysis. He popularized the exploration of the unconscious mind, the interpretation of dreams, and the use of free association. Freud's work laid the groundwork for the development of psychoanalysis as a therapeutic approach.

7. The idea of "lying on the couch" in psychoanalysis has come to be praised in modern society. The image of a client lying on a couch and freely associating their thoughts and emotions has become associated with deep self-exploration and personal growth. It is seen as a positive and effective approach to therapy that allows for a deep exploration of the unconscious mind. However, it is important to note that not all psychoanalysis sessions involve the client lying on a couch, and therapy can take place in a variety of settings.

8. In therapy, psychoanalysts try to trace unconscious factors that are the source of personal difficulty back to their historical source. An example of a typical historical source that a psychoanalyst and their client might uncover during therapy is a failure to overcome "trust vs. mistrust" in early childhood. This refers to a critical stage of psychological development proposed by Erik Erikson, where infants learn to develop trust in their caregivers. If this stage is not successfully navigated, it can lead to issues with trust and relationships in adulthood. By understanding and exploring these historical sources of personal difficulty, clients can gain insight and work towards resolving their issues.

9. Psychoanalysts believe that people often ignore the numerous factors that affect their emotions and behavior. Psychoanalysis focuses on bringing these unconscious factors to conscious awareness through exploration and interpretation. By uncovering and understanding these unconscious factors, clients can gain insight into their motivations and make changes in their lives.

10. A technique that a psychoanalyst is most likely to employ in treatment is dream analysis. Dream analysis involves exploring the symbols, images, and themes presented in a client's dreams. In psychoanalysis, dreams are seen as a window into the unconscious mind and can provide valuable insight into a person's thoughts, emotions, and unresolved conflicts. By analyzing the content and symbolism of dreams, a psychoanalyst can help the client gain insight and understand their unconscious processes.

1, yes

2, yes
3, I don't know.
4, ?
5, yes
6, yes
7, no
8, I agree, but double check your text.
9, no
10, I don't think so.

I think so, yes.