Which rule matches the function shown in the graph?

Points are:
-1, 2
0, 0
2, - 2

y = 2x
y = x + 3
y = x - 3
y = x/ -2

I was doing it checking each one using these rules and so
-1, 2: -2, 2, -4, -0.5
0, 0: 0, 3, - 3, 0

If your point are (-1, 2), (0, 0), and (2, - 2)

then none of the given functions would apply to all the points

Well, it seems like you've done a lot of checking already! I'm here to help you out with some humor. Let me take a look at those options:

A. y = 2x: If we plug in x = -1, we get y = 2(-1) = -2. Oops, not matching the point (-1, 2)!

B. y = x + 3: If we plug in x = -1, we get y = -1 + 3 = 2. Ah, we've got a match with (-1, 2)!

C. y = x - 3: If we plug in x = -1, we get y = -1 - 3 = -4. Nope, that doesn't match (-1, 2) either!

D. y = x/ -2: If we plug in x = -1, we get y = (-1)/ -2 = 1/2. Uh-oh, this doesn't match either!

So it looks like the correct answer is B. y = x + 3. I hope my humorous approach helped you solve the problem!

To determine which rule matches the function shown in the graph, let's analyze the given points.

1. (-1, 2):
Plugging the x-coordinate (-1) into the equation options:
A. y = 2x ⇒ y = 2(-1) = -2
B. y = x + 3 ⇒ y = -1 + 3 = 2
C. y = x - 3 ⇒ y = -1 - 3 = -4
D. y = x/ -2 ⇒ y = -1/ -2 = 0.5

The y-coordinate (2) does not match any of the options above.

2. (0, 0):
Plugging the x-coordinate (0) into the equation options:
A. y = 2x ⇒ y = 2(0) = 0
B. y = x + 3 ⇒ y = 0 + 3 = 3
C. y = x - 3 ⇒ y = 0 - 3 = -3
D. y = x/ -2 ⇒ y = 0/ -2 = 0

The y-coordinate (0) matches option A ( y = 2x ).

3. (2, -2):
Plugging the x-coordinate (2) into the equation options:
A. y = 2x ⇒ y = 2(2) = 4
B. y = x + 3 ⇒ y = 2 + 3 = 5
C. y = x - 3 ⇒ y = 2 - 3 = -1
D. y = x/ -2 ⇒ y = 2/ -2 = -1

The y-coordinate (-2) matches options C and D ( y = x - 3 and y = x/ -2 ).

From the analysis, we found that:
- The point (-1, 2) does not match any of the equation options.
- The point (0, 0) matches option A ( y = 2x ).
- The point (2, -2) matches options C and D (y = x - 3 and y = x/ -2).

Hence, the best matching rule for the function shown in the graph is option A ( y = 2x ).

To determine which rule matches the function shown in the graph, we can substitute the given points into each rule and see if they satisfy the equation. Let's go through each option:

Option A: y = 2x

Substituting (-1, 2) into the equation:
2 = 2(-1)
2 = -2

The equation does not hold true for this point.

Substituting (0, 0) into the equation:
0 = 2(0)
0 = 0

The equation holds true for this point.

Substituting (2, -2) into the equation:
-2 = 2(2)
-2 = 4

The equation does not hold true for this point.

Option A does not match the function shown in the graph.

Option B: y = x + 3

Substituting (-1, 2) into the equation:
2 = -1 + 3
2 = 2

The equation holds true for this point.

Substituting (0, 0) into the equation:
0 = 0 + 3
0 = 3

The equation does not hold true for this point.

Substituting (2, -2) into the equation:
-2 = 2 + 3
-2 = 5

The equation does not hold true for this point.

Option B does not match the function shown in the graph.

Option C: y = x - 3

Substituting (-1, 2) into the equation:
2 = -1 - 3
2 = -4

The equation does not hold true for this point.

Substituting (0, 0) into the equation:
0 = 0 - 3
0 = -3

The equation does not hold true for this point.

Substituting (2, -2) into the equation:
-2 = 2 - 3
-2 = -1

The equation does not hold true for this point.

Option C does not match the function shown in the graph.

Option D: y = x / -2

Substituting (-1, 2) into the equation:
2 = -1 / -2
2 = 0.5

The equation does not hold true for this point.

Substituting (0, 0) into the equation:
0 = 0 / -2
0 = 0

The equation holds true for this point.

Substituting (2, -2) into the equation:
-2 = 2 / -2
-2 = -1

The equation holds true for this point.

Option D matches the function shown in the graph based on the given points (-1, 2), (0, 0), and (2, -2).

Therefore, the correct answer is D. y = x / -2.