Which interaction BEST illustrates the concept of mutualism?

A) Jaguars feeding on wild pigs.

B) Squirrels playing with other squirrels.

C) Malaria protozoans living on the blood of a host.

D) Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules of legumes.

I think its either D or B. Thanks!

its D

What does mutualism mean?

Mutualism is when two organisms befit from what each other is doing


I think you mean "benefit."

Neither is correct. I've checked two of your answers; now you're on your own. Please do not post this again.

Read this article.


Ok. Thank you!! You helped a ton!!!

You're welcome. :-)

I need the answer

It's D

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand the concept of mutualism. Mutualism refers to a type of interaction between two different species where both partners benefit from the interaction. In other words, both organisms involved in mutualistic interactions gain some advantage from their relationship.

Now, let's consider each option you provided:

A) Jaguars feeding on wild pigs: This interaction does not represent mutualism because although jaguars benefit from their source of food, wild pigs are not receiving any advantage or benefit in return.

B) Squirrels playing with other squirrels: Playing is a social behavior that squirrels engage in for various reasons, such as establishing dominance or practicing specific skills. While it is a positive behavior for squirrels, it does not involve a mutualistic relationship between species.

C) Malaria protozoans living on the blood of a host: This interaction is an example of parasitism, not mutualism. Malaria protozoans benefit by utilizing the host's blood for their survival and reproduction, causing harm to the host organism in the process.

D) Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules of legumes: This interaction represents mutualism. Some species of bacteria, known as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, form a beneficial relationship with legume plants. The bacteria live within specialized structures called root nodules of legumes, where they convert atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for the plant. In return, the bacteria receive nutrients and a habitat within the plant.

Based on the explanation above, the correct answer is option D) Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules of legumes, as it best illustrates the concept of mutualism.