

(9m + 6) + (-5m-6) = 9m+6 + (-5m) -6 = 4m + 0 = 4m.

To simplify the expression (9m+6)+(-5m-6), we first simplify each set of parentheses separately, and then combine like terms.

Inside the first set of parentheses, we have 9m+6. This expression consists of two terms: 9m and 6. Since there is no operation stated between them, it implies that they are being added.

Inside the second set of parentheses, we have -5m-6. Similar to the first set, this expression also consists of two terms: -5m and -6. Once again, since there is no operation stated between these terms, it implies that they are being subtracted.

Now, let's simplify each set of parentheses:

First set: 9m+6
No simplification needed here because there are no like terms to combine.

Second set: -5m-6
Again, no simplification is possible since there are no like terms to combine.

Now we can combine the two simplified sets of parentheses:

(9m + 6) + (-5m - 6)

To combine like terms, we add or subtract the coefficients of the terms with the same variable.

The terms with "m" are 9m and -5m. Since they have the same variable, we can combine them:

9m - 5m = 4m

The constant terms are 6 and -6. Since they both have the same sign (positive and negative), we can combine them by adding their absolute values:

6 + (-6) = 0

Putting it all together, we have:

(9m + 6) + (-5m - 6) = 4m + 0

And since anything added to 0 remains the same, we can simplify further:

4m + 0 = 4m

Therefore, the simplified expression is 4m.