Rolinda's first five spanish test scores are 85, 85, 60, 62,and 59.

a.find the mean, median, and the mode of her test scores. round your answers to the nearest tenth if necessary.
b.which of these measures supports her claim that she is doing well in her spanish class?
c.why is her claim misleading?

Which part of this problem don't you understand?

part a.

To find the mean, median, and mode of Rolinda's test scores:

a. Mean: The mean is calculated by dividing the sum of all the numbers by the total count. So, we add up all the scores and divide by 5 (since there are 5 scores):
(85 + 85 + 60 + 62 + 59) / 5 = 351 / 5 = 70.2

b. Median: The median is the middle value when the numbers are arranged in increasing order. First, let's sort the scores in ascending order: 59, 60, 62, 85, 85. The middle number is 62, so the median is 62.

c. Mode: The mode is the value that appears most frequently in a set of numbers. From the scores given, there is no value that appears more than once, so there is no mode.

So, the mean of Rolinda's test scores is 70.2, the median is 62, and there is no mode.

b. In this case, both the mean and median could support Rolinda's claim that she is doing well in her Spanish class. The mean of 70.2 suggests that her average score is above average, and the median score of 62 indicates that there are no extreme outliers that could significantly bring down her performance.

c. However, her claim may be misleading because the test scores provided are relatively low. Even though the mean and median suggest she is doing well compared to her own performance in previous tests, a score of 59, for example, is not considered high. Additionally, without knowing the grading scale or the average scores of other students, it is challenging to make a definitive judgment about her performance in comparison to the class as a whole. Thus, her claim may not be entirely accurate or representative of her actual standing in the Spanish class.