Is it possible to accurately approximate the speed of a passing car while standing in the

protected front hall of the school?
Task: Determine how fast cars are passing the front of the school. You may only go
outside to measure the distance from where you are standing to the road. All
other measurements must be taken from inside the building (I want you to stay
warm and dry!). Make sure to clearly explain your process to gauge the speed of
passing cars and submit all of your work!

Yes, it is possible to accurately approximate the speed of a passing car while standing in the protected front hall of the school. Here's how you can do it:

1. Measure the distance: First, go outside and measure the distance from where you are standing in the front hall to the road. You can use a measuring tape or a measuring wheel to get an accurate measurement.

2. Select a fixed point: From inside the front hall, choose a fixed point on the road where you can clearly see the passing cars. It can be a tree, a lamppost, or any other distinct feature.

3. Time the car: When a car approaches the fixed point, start a timer. You can use a smartphone or a stopwatch for this purpose. Record the time when the car passes the fixed point.

4. Repeat the process: Repeat the timing process for several cars to get a more accurate average speed. The more cars you time, the more reliable your results will be.

5. Calculate the speed: To calculate the speed of the cars, use the formula: Speed = Distance / Time. Divide the distance from where you are standing to the road (step 1) by the time it took for the car to pass the fixed point (step 3). This will give you the average speed of the passing cars.

6. Record your results: Make sure to record all your measurements, including the distance, the time for each car, and the calculated speeds. This will help you analyze your data later and compare the speeds of different cars.

By following these steps, you can accurately approximate the speed of passing cars while staying inside the protected front hall of the school.