What capital cities are located along the Mississippi River?

St.Paul, Minnesota
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Are there any others?

search in the Wikipedia "List of bodies of water of capital cities of the United States". you should be able to find it in the column "Body Founded Upon"

To find out if there are any other capital cities located along the Mississippi River, we can search for a list of capital cities in states that the Mississippi River flows through.

The Mississippi River flows through a total of ten states. From north to south, these states are Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

Now we can check which of these states have their capital cities located along the Mississippi River:

1. St. Paul, Minnesota - The capital city of Minnesota, St. Paul, is located along the Mississippi River.

2. Baton Rouge, Louisiana - The capital city of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, is also located along the Mississippi River.

Therefore, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, are the capital cities that are located along the Mississippi River.

Aside from St. Paul, Minnesota and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, there are no other capital cities directly located along the Mississippi River.