Can somebody give me their simple definition (6th grade level) of a point source and pollution?

I'll introduce you to something called google. Search up "definition of a point source and pollution at 6th grade"

Thanks, Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Mark.

Sure! I can certainly give you a simple definition of a point source and pollution that is suitable for a 6th-grade level.

Definition of a point source:
A point source is a single, identifiable location where pollution comes from. It could be a specific factory, power plant, or even a pipe that releases harmful substances into the environment. The pollution from a point source spreads out from that one spot.

Definition of pollution:
Pollution is a word we use to describe when something harmful or unwanted gets into the environment and causes damage to plants, animals, or people. Pollution can come in many forms, such as chemicals, gases, or trash. It can happen in the air, water, or even on the land. When pollution is not controlled or cleaned up, it can harm the environment and living things.

To find definitions or explanations for different terms like these, one way you can approach it is by using a dictionary or an online search engine. You can type in "definition of point source" or "definition of pollution," and the search engine will provide you with simple and easy-to-understand definitions. Additionally, you can also look for science books or resources designed for 6th-grade level, as they often provide explanations tailored to a specific age group's understanding.