Animals have three types of muscle tissue. Striated found in arms etc. unstriated found in lining

of stomach and cardiac found in the heart. Mention the characteristics of each which justify
their presence in the locations mentioned above

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1. Striated Muscle Tissue:

- Characteristics: Striated muscle tissue, also known as skeletal muscle, is characterized by its long, cylindrical shape and the presence of striped or striated patterns under a microscope.
- Location: Striated muscle tissue is primarily found in the arms, legs, and other parts of the body responsible for voluntary movement.
- Justification: The presence of striated muscle tissue in these locations is justified due to the following characteristics:
a) Voluntary Control: Striated muscle tissue is under voluntary control, allowing us to consciously regulate and control our movement. This is essential for activities such as walking, running, and lifting objects.
b) Strong Contractions: Striated muscles are capable of generating strong contractions, allowing for powerful movements and muscle control. This is necessary for activities that require strength or force, such as lifting heavy objects or performing physically demanding tasks.

2. Unstriated (Smooth) Muscle Tissue:
- Characteristics: Unstriated muscle tissue, also known as smooth muscle, appears smooth under a microscope due to the absence of striations.
- Location: Unstriated muscle tissue is found in the lining of organs such as the stomach, intestines, blood vessels, and uterus.
- Justification: The presence of unstriated muscle tissue in these locations is justified due to the following characteristics:
a) Involuntary Control: Smooth muscles are under involuntary control, meaning they contract automatically without conscious effort. This allows for smooth, rhythmic movements within the organs, such as peristalsis in the intestines or the constriction of blood vessels.
b) Sustained Contractions: Smooth muscles are capable of maintaining contractions for extended periods of time, which is essential for functions like maintaining blood pressure, emptying the stomach, or assisting in childbirth.

3. Cardiac Muscle Tissue:
- Characteristics: Cardiac muscle tissue is found exclusively in the heart and possesses properties of both striated and smooth muscle tissues.
- Location: Cardiac muscle tissue forms the walls of the heart.
- Justification: The presence of cardiac muscle tissue in the heart is justified due to the following characteristics:
a) Involuntary Control: Similar to smooth muscle tissue, cardiac muscle tissue is under involuntary control, ensuring that the heart contracts rhythmically and continuously without conscious effort.
b) Intercalated Discs: Cardiac muscle tissue contains intercalated discs, specialized connections between cells that facilitate rapid electrical impulses, allowing synchronized and coordinated contractions of the heart.
c) Continuous Contractions: Cardiac muscle tissue contracts continuously without fatiguing, ensuring the heart can effectively pump blood throughout the body.
d) Increased Strength: Cardiac muscle tissue is stronger than smooth muscle tissue, allowing the heart to generate sufficient force to pump blood against the body's resistance.