Mass of a body is 25 kg. What is its weight in Newton on earth? The body is carried to a

planet whose mass is two times the mass of earth and radius is half that of earth. What will be
the mass and weight of the body on the planet? (Take the value of g on earth as 10 m s–2)

weight=25*9.8 N on Earth

on planet, weight= 25*2g/(.5)^2)=50*4 g

It bothers me using g=10. Nowhere on Earth is it 10. Is it that you teacher thinks you are so stupid that you cant multiply decimal numbers?

To answer the first part of the question, we need to use the formula:

Weight = Mass × Acceleration due to gravity

Mass of the body = 25 kg
Acceleration due to gravity on Earth (g) = 10 m/s^2

Weight on Earth = Mass × g
Weight on Earth = 25 kg × 10 m/s^2
Weight on Earth = 250 N

Therefore, the weight of the body on Earth is 250 Newtons.

Now, let's move on to the second part of the question.

Mass of the planet = 2 times mass of Earth
Radius of the planet = half the radius of Earth

Since we haven't been given the mass of the Earth, we'll consider it as a constant value. Let's assume the mass of the Earth as M and the radius as R.

Mass of the planet = 2M
Radius of the planet = R/2

To find the mass and weight of the body on the planet, we can use the formula:

Weight = Mass × Acceleration due to gravity

Acceleration due to gravity (g') on the planet can be calculated using the formula:

g' = (G × M') / (R'²)

where G is the universal gravitational constant, M' is the mass of the planet, and R' is the radius of the planet.

Since we know that the mass of the planet is 2M and the radius is R/2, we can substitute these values into the formula for g' to calculate it.

Now, we need to substitute the mass of the body (25 kg) and the calculated value of g' to find the weight of the body on the planet.

Mass of the body on the planet = 25 kg
Weight on the planet = Mass of the body on the planet × g'

To summarize:
1. Calculate the value of g' using the formula mentioned above, by substituting the values of G, M', and R'.
2. Substitute the value of g' and the mass of the body into the formula to calculate the weight of the body on the planet.

Please note that we need the values of G, M, and R to calculate the weight of the body on the planet. If these values are provided, we can proceed with the calculations.