How can tobacco affect the circulatory system?

A. Decreases heart rate

B. Raises blood pressure

C. Softens the arteries

D. Causes ulcers

How can tobacco affect the body?

A. Increases appetite

B. Makes teeth whiter

C. Slows heart beat

D. Causes nausea

How can tobacco affect the body?

A. Yellow teeth

B. Makes working out easier

C. Improves immune system

D. Prevents dizziness

Which term describes when a person has returned to using a drug?

A. Physical dependence

B. Tolerance

C. Withdrawal

D. Relapse

Which example shows a physical dependence for tobacco?

A. A person needs to have a cigarette to be happy

B. A person needs more cigarettes to achieve the same feeling.

C. A persons body chemically needs the drug

D. A person becomes extra hungry without a cigarette

Which example shows a tolerance for tobacco?

A. A cigarette calms a person down

B. A person needs more cigarettes to achieve the same feeling

C. A person gets moody without a cigarette

D. A person becomes extra hungry without a cigarette

Which steps have local governments taken in an effort to reduce the use of tobacco? Choose exactly 2 answers that are correct.

A. Launch anti smoking

B. Ban smoking on airplanes

C. Ban smoking in public parks

D. Put mandatory warning labels on cigarette packages

How much money does the average smoker spend on cigarettes per year?

A. 8$

B. 250$

C. 3,000$

D. 30,000$

Which statement about smokers is true?

A. On average, smokers live longer lives.

B. Smokers pay more in health care costs

C. On average, smokers are more productive that nonsmokers

D. Smokers are sick less than nonsmokers

What is the correct definition of a target audience?

A. A paid arrangement a company has made to show its products in media

B. An advertising campaign in which a product is promoted at a stores checkout

C. A group of people for which a product is intended

What is the correct definition of going cold turkey?

A. Stopping all use of product immediately

B. Gradually using less of a product

C. Replacing the use of the product with another one

D. Using products that assist a person in breaking a tobacco habit

What is the correct definition of a nicotine replacement therapy?

A. A product that people immediately stop using

B. A product that is gradually used less

C. A product that is replace with another one

D. A product that assists a person in breaking a tobacco habit

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How can tobacco affect the circulatory system?

The answer is B. Raises blood pressure.

Tobacco can affect the circulatory system in various ways. Smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict, leading to an increase in blood pressure. Nicotine, the addictive substance in tobacco, stimulates the release of adrenaline, which further increases blood pressure. This can put strain on the heart and arteries, potentially leading to cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

How can tobacco affect the body?

The answer is D. Causes nausea.

Tobacco can have numerous negative effects on the body. Smoking can cause nausea, especially in individuals who are not regular smokers or when smoking on an empty stomach. Additionally, smoking can lead to respiratory issues, such as coughing, shortness of breath, and increased risk of respiratory infections. It also increases the risk of developing various types of cancer, including lung, throat, and mouth cancer.

How can tobacco affect the body?

The answer is A. Yellow teeth.

Tobacco use can lead to several visible effects on the body. One such effect is yellowing of the teeth. Smoking stains the teeth and can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. It can also cause bad breath. It is important to note that tobacco use does not have any positive impacts on the body or improve aspects such as the immune system or workout performance.

Which term describes when a person has returned to using a drug?

The answer is D. Relapse.

Relapse refers to when a person, who has made efforts to stop using a drug, returns to using it. It is a common occurrence in addiction and recovery processes. Relapse can happen due to various factors, such as triggers, cravings, or underlying issues. It is important for individuals to seek support and maintain a strong support system when dealing with drug addiction.

Which example shows a physical dependence for tobacco?

The answer is C. A person's body chemically needs the drug.

Physical dependence occurs when the body becomes physically adapted to a substance, such as tobacco, and requires it to function properly. In the case of tobacco, the nicotine in cigarettes creates a physical dependence. When someone is physically dependent on tobacco, their body goes through withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit smoking, such as irritability, anxiety, and cravings.

Which example shows a tolerance for tobacco?

The answer is B. A person needs more cigarettes to achieve the same feeling.

Tolerance refers to the reduced response a person experiences from a drug after repeated use. In the case of tobacco, a person may develop a tolerance, meaning they need to smoke more cigarettes to achieve the same desired effect or sensation that they initially experienced when they started smoking. Tolerance can lead to increased tobacco use and addiction.

Which steps have local governments taken in an effort to reduce the use of tobacco?

The correct answers are A. Launch anti-smoking campaigns and D. Put mandatory warning labels on cigarette packages.

Local governments have implemented several measures in an attempt to reduce tobacco use. One of these measures includes launching anti-smoking campaigns, which aim to educate the public about the dangers of tobacco and encourage cessation. Another step is putting mandatory warning labels on cigarette packages to inform consumers about the health risks associated with smoking. These measures are part of broader efforts to discourage smoking and promote public health.

How much money does the average smoker spend on cigarettes per year?

The answer is C. $3,000.

The average smoker spends approximately $3,000 per year on cigarettes. This amount may vary depending on the cost of cigarettes in different locations and individual smoking habits. It is worth noting that smoking is not only detrimental to health but also expensive in terms of both direct costs, such as purchasing cigarettes, and indirect costs, such as increased healthcare expenses related to smoking-related illnesses.

Which statement about smokers is true?

The answer is B. Smokers pay more in health care costs.

Smokers generally pay more in health care costs compared to nonsmokers. Smoking is associated with a wide range of health problems, including chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and various types of cancer. The increased likelihood of developing these health conditions leads to higher medical expenses for smokers. Furthermore, smokers may require additional medical treatments and interventions to manage and treat smoking-related health issues.

What is the correct definition of a target audience?

The answer is C. A group of people for which a product is intended.

A target audience refers to the specific group of people for which a product, service, or advertising campaign is intended. Marketers and advertisers identify their target audience based on factors such as demographics, interests, and preferences. Understanding the target audience allows companies to tailor their marketing efforts to effectively reach and engage the individuals who are most likely to be interested in their offerings.

What is the correct definition of going cold turkey?

The answer is A. Stopping all use of a product immediately.

Going "cold turkey" refers to the practice of stopping all use of a product or substance immediately and without gradually reducing its consumption. This term is commonly used in relation to quitting addictive substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Going cold turkey can be challenging, as it involves abruptly discontinuing the substance without any gradual tapering or assistance.

What is the correct definition of nicotine replacement therapy?

The answer is D. A product that assists a person in breaking a tobacco habit.

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) involves using products that deliver nicotine to the body without the harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke. NRT products, such as nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers, or nasal sprays, can help individuals quit smoking by gradually reducing their dependence on nicotine. These products provide a safer alternative to smoking while managing nicotine withdrawal symptoms, increasing the chances of successfully quitting tobacco.