which line in Julius Caesar indicates that Cassius is a manipulator?

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To find the line in Julius Caesar that indicates Cassius as a manipulator, you can consult the play's text. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Start by accessing the text of Julius Caesar. You can find the play in various formats such as books, online sources, or even e-books.
2. Once you have the text, search for scenes or dialogues involving Cassius. Cassius is a prominent character throughout the play, so he appears in multiple scenes.
3. Look for lines or sections where Cassius is portrayed as manipulating or influencing others. Cassius is known for his persuasive nature, so these instances would reveal his manipulative tendencies.
4. Read the dialogues surrounding those lines to gain a better understanding of the context and Cassius's intentions.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the specific line in Julius Caesar that indicates Cassius as a manipulator.