Derive the coefficient of surface tension for water

To derive the coefficient of surface tension for water, you’ll need to understand the underlying principles and equations related to surface tension.

The coefficient of surface tension, denoted by the symbol γ (gamma), is a measure of the force acting per unit length at the surface of a liquid. It quantifies the tendency of a liquid to minimize its surface area.

One way to determine the coefficient of surface tension is through the capillary rise method. This method involves measuring the capillary rise of a liquid in a thin glass tube. Here’s how you can derive the coefficient of surface tension for water using this method:

1. Set up the experiment: Take a clean glass capillary tube with a small inner diameter (around 1 mm) and a ruler for measurements. Ensure that the tube is clean and dry.

2. Fill the capillary tube with water: Dip one end of the tube into a container of water and let the water rise up into the tube by capillary action. Allow the water to rise until it stops or reaches a visible meniscus.

3. Measure the capillary rise: Using the ruler, carefully measure the height of the water level in the capillary tube above the surface of the container. Note down this value as h.

4. Determine the radius of the capillary tube: Measure the inner radius of the capillary tube using a micrometer or caliper. Note down this value as r.

5. Calculate the coefficient of surface tension: Use the formula for calculating surface tension:

γ = (4hρg) / (πr)

where γ is the coefficient of surface tension,
h is the capillary rise,
ρ is the density of water,
g is the acceleration due to gravity, and
r is the radius of the capillary tube.

Plug in the values you have measured into the equation and calculate the coefficient of surface tension.

It’s important to note that this method assumes certain conditions, such as a narrow capillary tube, negligible evaporation of water, and no appreciable forces acting on the liquid other than surface tension. Additionally, the accuracy of the measurement depends on the precision of the equipment used.

By following these steps and using the capillary rise method, you can derive the coefficient of surface tension for water.