How is Orwell's Animal Farm an allegory?

Answer: Orwell’s Animal Farm is an allegory because there are two political overtones within this story. On the surface you have a story that depicts a tale of a society of animals that shape into a dictatorial rule. The second overtone deals with animals that stand for a representation of Orwell’s way of constructing how he felt about the totalitarianism in Soviet Russia.

I think you can do better than this. What is an allegory?

To understand how Animal Farm is an allegory, you need to know what an allegory is. An allegory is a literary device in which characters, events, and settings are used to symbolize a deeper meaning. In this case, Animal Farm is a representation of the Russian Revolution and the subsequent formation of the Soviet Union.

To see how Animal Farm functions as an allegory, it is essential to recognize the parallels between the animals in the book and the historical figures and events in the Russian Revolution. For example:

1. The pigs, led by Napoleon and Snowball, represent the leaders of the Russian Revolution, specifically Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky respectively.

2. The horse, Boxer, symbolizes the working class proletariat who are exploited and manipulated by the ruling class.

3. The character of Moses, the raven, represents organized religion, specifically the Russian Orthodox Church, which was used by the ruling class to maintain control.

4. The farm itself represents Russia and the Russian Revolution, depicting the transformation from an idealistic society striving for equality to a totalitarian regime.

By examining these characters and events, readers can understand the underlying political message that Orwell is conveying. Animal Farm serves as an allegory to critique the rise of totalitarianism in Soviet Russia, highlighting the corruption and abuse of power prevalent in such systems.

To fully grasp this allegorical interpretation, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the Russian Revolution and the key figures involved. Reading about the historical context and researching the parallels between the events in Animal Farm and the actual revolution will provide a deeper comprehension of how the book functions as an allegory.