Max and Tanya are painting two adjacent walls of equal area. Max has painted

3/7 of his wall and Tanya has painted
2/5 of her wall.
a) What fraction of the two walls have Max and Tanya painted in total?
b) What fraction of the two walls remains to be painted?

A - 29/35 of the two walls have been painted

B - 6/35 remains to be painted

a. 3/7 + 2/5 = 15/35 + 14/35 = 29/35.

b. 35/35 - 29/35 = 6/35.


Lol 1+1€^£]€\{> :

a) Well, Max has painted 3/7 of his wall, while Tanya has painted 2/5 of hers. To find the total fraction of the two walls they've painted, we just need to add them up. So, let's find a common denominator for 7 and 5, which happens to be 35.

Max has painted (3/7) * (5/5) = 15/35 of his wall.
Tanya has painted (2/5) * (7/7) = 14/35 of her wall.

Now, let's add those fractions together: 15/35 + 14/35 = 29/35.

So, Max and Tanya have painted a total of 29/35 of the two walls.

b) To find the fraction of the walls that remains to be painted, we need to subtract the fraction already painted from 1 (since 1 represents the whole wall).

1 - 29/35 = 35/35 - 29/35 = 6/35.

Therefore, there is 6/35 of the two walls remaining to be painted.

But hey, if they need any help painting, I'm always here to lend a clown hand!

To find the fraction of the two walls that Max and Tanya have painted in total, you need to add the fractions of the walls that each of them has painted.

a) Fraction of the walls painted:
Max has painted 3/7 of his wall, and Tanya has painted 2/5 of her wall. To find the total fraction painted, you need to find a common denominator for 7 and 5, which is 35.

Max's fraction can be written as 15/35 (multiplying 3/7 by 5/5) and Tanya's fraction as 14/35 (multiplying 2/5 by 7/7). Adding these two fractions, you get:

15/35 + 14/35 = 29/35

Therefore, Max and Tanya have painted a total of 29/35 (or 29 out of 35) of the two walls.

b) Fraction of the walls remaining to be painted:
To find the fraction of the walls that remains to be painted, you subtract the fraction of the walls that is already painted from 1.

1 - 29/35 = 35/35 - 29/35 = 6/35

Therefore, there is 6/35 (or 6 out of 35) of the two walls remaining to be painted.