Part A: A coach chooses 3 players from the 12 players on the team to be in a team photo for the newspaper. Which expressions represent the situation?

A: 3C12
B:12·11·10 over 3·2·1
C:12! over 13!
D: 12P3 over 3!

Part B: How many groups of 3 players are possible?


1.B ( 56 )

2.A ( 10 )
3.B and D ( 12 ° 11 ° 10 fraction line 3°2°1 )
4. C ( 220 )

hello, im to sure how to do these problems if someone could explain it to me that would be amazing. thank u.

Part A: The coach chooses 3 players from the 12 players on the team to be in a team photo for the newspaper.

To represent this situation mathematically, we need to use combinations since the order of the players does not matter.

The expression that represents this situation is 3C12, which means choosing 3 players out of 12.

So, the answer is option A: 3C12.

To calculate the value of 3C12, you can use the formula:

nCr = n! / (r! * (n-r)!)

where n is the total number of players (12 in this case) and r is the number of players to be chosen (3 in this case).

Part B: To find the number of groups of 3 players that are possible, we still need to use combinations since the order of the players does not matter.

Using the same formula as before, we can calculate the value of 3C12.

3C12 = 12! / (3! * (12-3)!)

Simplifying the expression, we get:

3C12 = 12! / (3! * 9!)

The value of this expression is equal to 220.

So, the answer to Part B is option C: 220.

You can calculate this value using a calculator or by simplifying the factorial expressions manually.

3C12 or C(12,3) to me means:

"choose 3 from 12"
isn't that what you are doing?

surely you must know how to evaluate that.