hello,Im looking for a dependable website that has somthing like a scatter plot.i need it to show how many people and at what age die each year i have been looking for a while now and i cant seem to find any. please help me,and thankyou


thank you so much

You are welcome.

Hello! I can help you find a dependable website that provides scatter plots for visualizing the number of deaths by age each year. One reliable website that you can use for this purpose is data.world. Here's how you can find the information you need:

1. Go to data.world (https://data.world/) in your web browser.
2. Sign up for a free account if you don't have one. It will enable you to access and interact with the data on the platform.
3. Once you're signed in, you can search for relevant datasets. In the search bar, enter keywords like "death statistics," "mortality rates," or "population data" to find datasets that provide the information you're looking for. For example, you can search for "mortality rates by age."
4. Click on the dataset that seems relevant to access its details page. Here, you'll find information about the dataset, including its description, columns, and visualization options.
5. The scatter plot visualization option might be available directly on the dataset page. If not, explore the dataset further to find columns that contain age, year, and death count information.
6. Use the exploration tools provided by the website, such as filters, queries, or built-in visualization tools, to create a scatter plot based on the data you want to represent. These tools might vary depending on the dataset and the tools provided by the website.
7. Customize the scatter plot according to your requirements, such as labeling the axes, adjusting the scales, or adding a legend if needed.
8. Once you have the scatter plot set up, you can save it, export it, or share it with others as per the website's options.

Remember that the specific dataset you find might differ depending on the country, region, or specific details you are interested in. It's recommended to explore various datasets on data.world or other reliable data platforms to find the most relevant information for your context.

I hope this helps you find the scatter plot you're looking for! Let me know if you have any further questions.