The owner of a shop wishes to buy x guitars and y violins. To satisfy the demands of his customers, the number of violins must be less than or equal to the number of guitars.

To get a good bargain the owner of the shop must buy at least 5 violins. Write an inequality to represent this information

5 <= y <= x

To represent the given information as an inequality, we can use the inequality symbol "≥" (which means "greater than or equal to") to express that the owner must buy at least 5 violins.

Let's define:
x = number of guitars
y = number of violins

According to the information, y must be less than or equal to x to satisfy the customer's demand. This can be written as:
y ≤ x

Furthermore, the owner must buy at least 5 violins. This can be expressed as:
y ≥ 5

Combining both inequalities, the inequality that represents the given information is:
y ≤ x and y ≥ 5