what were some major military armaments used by the Japanese and the Americans at Pearl Harbor ?

Was the American weapons inferior to the Japanese? Yes, because Japan had commissioned special weapons to fight the naval battle?

What happened at Pearl Harbor? What weapons did the Japanese use to attack? Did they march overland with bayonets, with grenades, and muskets? Did they attack by sea? Did they attack by air with bombs? What does your text say?



Your answer for the second question is vague. I hope your teacher expects back-up information, not just a vague statement like what you've written.

Pay attention to Reed, too -- you should always start with your text to find answers to any questions about the topic you're studying.

As to your second question (and proposed answer), I am unaware that the Japanese developed any new weapons specifically to attack Pearl Harbor. If your text materials support that idea, you should be able to be specific about what weapons those were. Writeteacher is correct. Your answer is much too vague.

During the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, both the Japanese and the Americans employed a range of military armaments. Some of the major weapons and equipment used by both sides were:

Japanese Armaments:
1. Aircraft: The Japanese utilized a large number of carrier-based aircraft, including torpedo bombers, dive bombers, and fighter planes such as the Mitsubishi A6M Zero.
2. Midget Submarines: Japan deployed midget submarines, small attack submarines that were used to infiltrate Pearl Harbor and launch torpedoes.
3. Naval Guns: Japanese warships, including battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, were equipped with various-sized guns used for engaging enemy ships and shoreside targets.
4. Torpedoes: The Japanese deployed torpedoes launched from aircraft, midget submarines, and surface ships to target American vessels.
5. Bombs: Various types of bombs, including armor-piercing and high-explosive bombs, were dropped by Japanese aircraft.

American Armaments:
1. Aircraft: The Americans had a mix of fighters, bombers, and reconnaissance planes, including the P-40 Warhawk, P-36 Hawk, and B-17 Flying Fortress.
2. Naval Guns: American battleships and cruisers were equipped with large naval guns to engage enemy ships and defend the harbor.
3. Anti-Aircraft Guns: Pearl Harbor was guarded by an array of anti-aircraft guns, including 5-inch dual-purpose guns and 50 caliber machine guns, to counter airborne threats.
4. Naval Mines: The Americans laid naval mines as a defensive measure in and around the harbor to hinder the progress of enemy ships and submarines.
5. Torpedo Tubes: American warships were armed with torpedo tubes to target enemy vessels.

Regarding the quality of weaponry, it is important to note that at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack, the Japanese had a technological advantage in terms of their carrier-based aircraft and a few other specialized weapons, such as naval torpedoes and midget submarines. This, combined with the element of surprise, enabled the Japanese to deal a devastating blow to the American Pacific Fleet.

However, it is incorrect to say that American weapons overall were inferior to the Japanese. The Americans still possessed formidable naval vessels, aircraft, and defensive systems. In fact, the U.S. military utilized its technological advancements and industrial capability in the subsequent years to greatly improve and expand its arsenal, eventually gaining the upper hand in the Pacific War.