Create a serene, realistic depiction of a vibrant pond contrasting with the lively presence of a flowing river. The pond is calm with a lightly swaying surface while the river is rushing and active. Both prominently feature aquatic plants and show a diversity of freshwater wildlife such as fish, ducks, turtles, and the occasional otter. Include the subtle change in the surroundings as we transit from the pond to the river. The imagery should be clear and detailed, with accurate representations of the varied, rich and ever lively freshwater ecosystems.

Ponds and rivers are two types of

1:Marine ecosystems.
2:Rain forest biomes.
3:Fresh water ecosystems.********
4:Estuary ecosystems.

Yes, correct.

Thank you! :)

Thank you so much for this question I was in the same doo doo when I got this question for homework so thank you :3

queen potato has been eaten by human #1

marine ecosystems

The correct answer is 3: Fresh water ecosystems.

To determine the answer, you can break down and analyze the given options.

1: Marine ecosystems refer to bodies of saltwater such as oceans and seas. Ponds and rivers, being bodies of fresh water, do not fall under this category.

2: Rainforest biomes are specific types of terrestrial ecosystems characterized by high rainfall and diverse flora and fauna. Ponds and rivers are not part of rainforest biomes.

3: Fresh water ecosystems are habitats that encompass bodies of water with low salinity, such as ponds, lakes, and rivers. This option accurately categorizes ponds and rivers.

4: Estuary ecosystems are transition areas where rivers meet the sea or ocean, characterized by a mix of fresh and saltwater. While rivers can flow into estuaries, ponds are not typically directly connected to estuaries.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is 3: Fresh water ecosystems.

But what was the answer? A or C?