a rental car company charges a fixed fee of 30$ plus $0.05 per mile. let c represent the total cost of renting a car and driving it m miles. Write a equation that could be used to find the total cost of renting a car and driving it any number of miles.

You're welcome.

Ms.Sue plz help I really need it done by tomorrow including lots of other questions!!! plz help me!!

it is the one that says 5:17

Don't you understand my answer?


Write a equation that could be used to find the total cost of renting a car and driving it any number of miles.

cost = $30 + $0.05 a mile

To find the total cost of renting a car and driving it any number of miles, we can use the equation:

c = 30 + 0.05 * m

In this equation:
- c represents the total cost of renting a car and driving it
- 30 is the fixed fee charged by the rental car company
- 0.05 is the cost per mile driven
- m represents the number of miles driven

To calculate the total cost, we multiply the number of miles driven (m) by the cost per mile (0.05), and then add the fixed fee of $30.

thanks !!!!!!

c = 30 + 0.05m