graphing in the coordinate plane unit test

3. which ordered pair is not a solution of y= -12x - 3
a.(-3,33) *****
4.not posted
5. find the three solutions of the equation y = 7x - 5

6.which pair of points has a positive slope ?
c.(-2,-15), (4,21)

7. not posted

ok, steve if the some of the answers where wrong then what are the correct ones?

I need help with this test

Me too, I suck i math, so i really need help. does anyone have the answers to the test so i can check mine?

To determine which ordered pair is not a solution of the equation y = -12x - 3, you need to substitute the x and y values of each ordered pair into the equation and see if it holds true.

Let's go through each option:
a. (-3,33): Substitute x = -3 and y = 33 into the equation:
33 = -12 * (-3) - 3
33 = 36 - 3
33 = 33
The equation is true with this ordered pair, so it is not the answer.

b. (8,-98): Substitute x = 8 and y = -98 into the equation:
-98 = -12 * 8 - 3
-98 = -96 - 3
-98 = -99
The equation is not true with this ordered pair.

c. (-9,105): Substitute x = -9 and y = 105 into the equation:
105 = -12 * (-9) - 3
105 = 108 - 3
105 = 105
The equation is true with this ordered pair, so it is not the answer.

d. (3,-39): Substitute x = 3 and y = -39 into the equation:
-39 = -12 * 3 - 3
-39 = -36 - 3
-39 = -39
The equation is true with this ordered pair, so it is not the answer.

Therefore, the answer is option b. (8,-98), as it does not satisfy the equation y = -12x - 3.

To find the three solutions of the equation y = 7x - 5, you can choose any three different x-values and then calculate the corresponding y-values.

Let's calculate using option d. (-3,-26):
Substitute x = -3 into the equation:
y = 7 * (-3) - 5
y = -21 - 5
y = -26

So, one solution is (-3, -26).

Let's calculate using option b. (-12,-1):
Substitute x = -12 into the equation:
y = 7 * (-12) - 5
y = -84 - 5
y = -89

So, another solution is (-12, -1).

Let's calculate using option c. (16,3):
Substitute x = 16 into the equation:
y = 7 * 16 - 5
y = 112 - 5
y = 107

So, the third solution is (16, 3).

Therefore, the answer is option d. (-3,-26), (-12,-1), (16,3), as these three ordered pairs satisfy the equation y = 7x - 5.

To determine which pair of points has a positive slope, you need to calculate the slope between the two points using the formula: slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1).

Let's calculate the slope for each option:

a. (-2,9), (1,-9):
Slope = (-9 - 9) / (1 - (-2)) = (-18) / (3) = -6/1 = -6
The slope is negative, so this option is not the answer.

b. (-2,5), (2,11):
Slope = (11 - 5) / (2 - (-2)) = (6) / (4) = 6/4 = 3/2
The slope is positive, so this option is a possible answer.

c. (-2,-15), (4,21):
Slope = (21 - (-15)) / (4 - (-2)) = (21 + 15) / (4 + 2) = 36/6 = 6/1 = 6
The slope is positive, so this option is a possible answer.

d. (-2,13), (1,-11):
Slope = (-11 - 13) / (1 - (-2)) = (-24) / (3) = -8/1 = -8
The slope is negative, so this option is not the answer.

Therefore, the answer is either option b. (-2,5), (2,11) or option c. (-2,-15), (4,21) because both options have a positive slope.

#3 nope. -12(-3)-3 = 36-3 = 33

#5 ok
#6 nope (-11-13)/(1-(-2)) = -24/3 = -8