Question 22 Unsaved

If the gravitational force exerted by the Moon on an astronaut landed on the Moon is 113.6 N, what is the mass of the astronaut?


mass= 113.6*6/9.8 kg

To find the mass of the astronaut, we need to use the equation for gravitational force:

Gravitational force = (Gravitational constant * mass of the first object * mass of the second object) / (distance between the objects)^2

First, we need to know the mass of the Moon. The mass of the Moon is approximately 7.34 x 10^22 kg.

Secondly, we need to know the distance between the Moon and the astronaut. This information is not provided in the question.

Without the distance between the objects, we cannot directly solve for the mass of the astronaut. We need to know the distance between the Moon and the astronaut in order to calculate the mass accurately.