According the Vygotsky, all of the following are forms of representation considered to be natural events

of letter writing in infants except
A. drawing.
B. laughing.
C. gestures.
D. actions.

answer b.

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the concepts related to Vygotsky and his theory of representation in infants. Here's how we can approach it step by step:

Step 1: Understand Vygotsky's theory of representation in infants.
Vygotsky was a developmental psychologist who proposed the sociocultural theory of cognitive development. According to Vygotsky, infants go through different stages of development where they acquire various forms of representation, which are ways of expressing and understanding their thoughts and ideas.

Step 2: Identify the forms of representation considered natural events of letter writing in infants.
In the given options, we are looking for the forms of representation that are considered natural events of letter writing in infants according to Vygotsky. These forms of representation should be related to the process of writing letters.

Step 3: Evaluate each option.
Let's evaluate each option to see if it fits the criteria:

A. Drawing: Drawing is a form of representation that allows infants to express their thoughts and ideas visually. It can be considered a natural event of letter writing as it involves using visual symbols to convey meaning.

B. Laughing: Laughing, on the other hand, is not directly related to letter writing. It is a natural response to humor or joy and does not fall within the scope of Vygotsky's theory of representation in infants.

C. Gestures: Gestures are nonverbal movements or signals that infants use to communicate. Although gestures can be used to support language development, they are not directly associated with letter writing.

D. Actions: Actions are behaviors or movements that infants engage in to interact with their environment. While actions can be part of the process of writing letters (e.g., holding a pen), they are not considered natural events of letter writing in the same way as drawing.

Step 4: Determine the correct answer.
Based on our evaluation, options A, C, and D are all forms of representation that could be considered natural events of letter writing in infants according to Vygotsky. However, option B (laughing) does not fit the criteria as it is not directly related to letter writing. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

So, according to Vygotsky, all of the following are forms of representation considered to be natural events of letter writing in infants, except for laughing (option B).