What is an ecosystem? Give an example.



Thanks Ms. Sue and PsyDAG

You're welcome.

An ecosystem is a complex community of living organisms (plants, animals, and microorganisms) interacting with each other and with the non-living components (such as air, water, soil, and sunlight) of their environment. It includes both biological and physical components and the interactions among them.

To understand an example of an ecosystem, you can think of a coral reef. A coral reef is a diverse ecosystem found in the ocean. It consists of coral polyps, which are tiny animals that build intricate structures of calcium carbonate called coral reefs. These reefs provide habitats for a wide variety of marine organisms such as fish, sea turtles, sharks, crustaceans, and more. The coral reef ecosystem also includes algae, seagrasses, and other plants that provide food and oxygen for the organisms. It is a complex network of interactions where each organism depends on others for survival and the overall health of the ecosystem.